YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT: Diet and Stroke Risk

YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT: Diet and Stroke Risk

A good diet, which features plenty of fruits and vegetables; fibre; whole grains; legumes; and fish has been associated with a reduced risk of stroke (1). But what’s the best way to maintain a healthy weight and keep your chances of developing cardiovascular health...

6 Foods Influencing Stroke Risk

6 Foods Influencing Stroke Risk

Among all impacts on the risk factors, changing your eating habits is one of the easiest ways to decrease your risk, as it is directly related to other catalysts, such as being overweight and having high blood pressure. In general, advice from medical professionals...

5 Facts About Stroke and Depression

5 Facts About Stroke and Depression

Stroke is a serious, life-changing and often overwhelming event. Most people who suffer a stroke will experience some sort of emotional changes, including feelings of shock, anger, anxiety and depression. It’s normal to feel sad and upset after a stroke, but...

8 Facts on Exercise and Stroke Risk

8 Facts on Exercise and Stroke Risk

Regular activity not only improves physical and mental health; it also reduces your risk of developing numerous health problems, including high cholesterol, heart disease and stroke. Here are some great reasons to get up and move more:   High levels of inactivity...

High blood pressure
Atrial fibrilation
Physical inactivity
Hight cholesterol
Poor diet